Saturday, February 20, 2010

Um hello? Welcome back from space... sort of

So you know how usually pens disappear from work because people walk off with them, usually its an honest accident, while some people try to take them because they have this weird sort of kleptomania or something.

Well, the other day I actually experienced the reverse of this for the first time, ever.

Enter Spacey Woman


Me: "Hello, how are you today?" *begins scanning and bagging groceries*

SW: *Looks around surprised* "Whah, huh? Oh I'm good dear."

Me: *Gets to the end of the order, but noticed the woman hasn't started the payment procedure yet...* "Ok, well, now you need to choose a payment type."

SW: *more surprise* "Oh, uh, ok here we go." *woman pushes buttons, then stops*

Me: *notices she's selected to pay by check* "Miss, please fill out your check for xxx.xx amount."

SW: *more surprise* "Whah? Oh right, yes, of course" *takes out pen and checkbook from purse fills out check and puts her pen on the counter*

Me: "Thank you, and here is your reciept" *Notices she is walking away without her pen* "Oh mam, you'r forgetting your pen!"

SW: *supreme surprise* "That's not my pen. I've never owned a pen like in my life! That must be yours dear."

Me: *erm...* "Ok, mam thank you and have a nice day"

Next customer (who had witnessed the entire transaction of Spacey Woman) and I share a look and he busts out laughing and shaking his head.

I just shrug and say, "Well, there's a first time for everything."


Good luck Spacey Woman
I guess...

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