Sunday, January 11, 2009

Im French, and I'm a Doctor...

but, that doesn't make you better then everyone else

Mr. Ridiculous French Guy.

So, I was right about work being completely nuts christmas eve. It was nuts, but I heard it was worst the day before.

Anywho, I'm sort of on express again (why do problems happen here, is it because everyone is in such a rush they think 'express' means the magic lane of no problems?) and I get this guy.

Mr. Ridiculous French Guy! *
* must read with Ridiculous French Accent!

MRFG: *Already fiddling with a card in his hand, but I can tell it is not a drivers licence * "Ah yes, hello sour are you? I swood like to buy di wine"

Me: "Sure, I just need to see your licence or a valid form of id"

MRFG: *Trys to show me his Doctors Licence, note, he does not hand it to me like most people to, in fact, it seems like he doesn't want me to touch it at all* "Dis is valid yes? It is just my age you see yes?"

Me: "Well, yes, but I need to see it on a valid form sir"

MRFG: *sighs and begins flipping out* "dis is RIDICULOUS! Dat is me, you see it yes? This is RIDICULOUS! ZIts me!

Me: "Hold on just one minute for me sir" *I call the manager like I am suppose to when customer begins flipping a shit*

MRFG: You see it is me! Zis is RIDICULOUS! Now we are holding up everyone in the line, this is RIDICULOUS no?

Manager Dood: "How can I help you sir?"

MRFG: "Zis id is not good enough for her, zis is me see? You see it is me, zis is RIDICULOUS, we are holding up all these people now!" *Hands manager the Doctors license he wouldn't let me touch, er, jerk*

MD: "Yes this is you, but we can only accept valid forms of id sir, a drivers license, photo id car, or passport, do you have one of those?"

MRFG: "AH THIS IS RIDICULOUS!" *begins shuffling through wallet for something* "For your sake I hope I have it" *more riffling* "This is RIDICULOUS! LOOK at the LINE OF PEOPLE WAITING NOW! RIDICULOUS!" *Finally pulls out the drivers license he had the whole time! and hands it to my manager* "Here, you see, your lucky I have it."

MD: "Thank you sir" *types in birth date* "You have a nice day"

MRFG: "You see?!?! All you needed was my birthdate! RIDICULOUS! It was on my other id, why is zat not good enough?!?! This is RIDICULOUS, I am just testing the system, and this zis just stupid! RIDICULOUS!"

Me: "Sir, I am just following the law, I do not want to get arrested."

MRFG: "Arrested? Pah!"

ME: "Have a nice day sir!"
Person next in line: *Hands me license right away* "He had his license the whole time? What was wrong with that guy?"

Me: *Shrugs* "Who knows? I wasn't kidding, I had the officer come through my lane just a couple hours ago, testing me, so I don't care how mad people get, I'm not hanging myself for their liquor"

Person in line: "Good for you, we understand its the law, that guy was RIDICULOUS!"

Laughs all around.

Everyone in line after him had their license ready and was really nice :)